What does your Wellbeing programme look like for 2024?

Last year, common complaints like Back Pain, Tension Headaches, Strains, and Neck Pain were a major cause of work-related ill health. This contributed to a staggering loss of 35.2 million working days last year in the UK, with Musculoskeletal disorders causing an average of 13.9 days off work per person affected.

Support & Empower Your Employees 

Work-from-home arrangements have a huge hand in these worrying statistics, due to makeshift working conditions and an increasingly sedentary workforce.

We offer…

1. Workplace Seminars
To raise awareness of risk factors, to instill positive habits, and provide take-away exercises to empower staff.

2. Workshops and small group sessions
Practical sessions bespoke to your business sector and workplace arrangements. More in-depth and hands-on work to focus on the causes of underlying issues, and address them at source.

3. One-on-one sessions
Individualised programmes to address areas of particular concern, or to work with individuals returning to work after a period away.