We all have a unique history and set of circumstances and challenges.

Planning changes to your lifestyle should reflect this – a great programme will factor in what time, energy, and resources you have available. Any plan that pigeonholes you is letting you down from the start, and the probable reason why you may not succeed long-term.

Welcome to Silver Bee

We take a methodical approach that is centred entirely on you, not based on what classes we want to sell you or bland off the peg gym plans that anyone could google…

– We take time to establish what your real goals are, be that a focus on health, fitness, nutrition, weight loss etc. Is it for a particular event? A wedding or marathon, just to get in better shape as you get older?

– We discuss where you are at right now, and how we get you to where you want to be. We take the time to understand how you feel about exercise, and what diet plans have or have not worked in the past. We want to know what you see as hurdles, and find the quick wins.

– We work out the most efficient way to get you to your goals based on what resources you have. Do you have a demanding job? Young children, low motivation, gym phobia? We can find a solution together.

– We agree realistic milestones, keeping you on track and motivated. We review these periodically and evolve them as required.

– We recognise the importance of variety to keep you engaged. Every plan reflects your interests and is flexible for when life introduces new commitments or obstacles to build into your everyday.

– We support you along the way and offer an ever evolving ‘Buzz’ workout. These 4-8 minute sessions are uploaded daily, to boost your metabolism and get your day off to a great start. Alternatively, use them later on to help turnaround a tough day and take a positive step.

 – We will be honest with you about what is achievable – it will be hard work, worthwhile things often are, but that doesn’t mean it can’t also be enjoyable along the way.

Learn from the setbacks, celebrate the wins!